2B, Bright Garden Ramamoorthy Road, Selvapuram, Coimbatore-641026.

Aqua Pure Solutions established in 1999, is located in Southern India and is managed by Professionals with several years of experience in Water and waste Water Treatment management, focuses on providing Design and engineering & Consulting in Water Treatment, Waste Water Treatment, Ultra Pure Technology, Drinking Water Systems, Turnkey projects applicable for Government Departments, Municipal Corporations, Govt. Institutions, Educational Institutions, Industrial Houses, Hotels, Resorts, Hospitals, Residential Colonies and Households. Water is the basis of all life. It is a most precious gift of nature bestowed to man. Pure Water once available in abundance, has now become a scarce commodity due to the constantly increasing demand for water both for domestic as well as industrial use. Moreover, the pollution of the finite reserves of pure water has necessitated the employment of water treatment methods the world over.

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